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Sunday Worship services

October 31, 2021

Orlander Thomas, Senior Minister (1).png

orlander thomas

Southside Church of Christ

Dallas, Texas

God Kept Me (Psalms 121:1-8)

Minister Orlander R Thomas serves as the Evangelist for the Southside Church of Christ in Durham, North Carolina. Bro. Thomas is originally from Durham, North Carolina where he became a member of the Souhtside Church of Christ at the age of 17 on January 9, 2000. Growing up as a babe in Christ under the teaching of Evangelist William A. Stephens and Minister Christopher J. Turner. After just one year, he discovered and answered the call to preach the word of God.

Bro. Thomas attended Southwestern Christian College and graduated with a B.S. in. Religious Studies. In the summer of 2006, he would move to Los Angeles, California accepting a role as ministerial intern with the Alondra Blvd Church of Christ in Compton, California, working under the leadership of the late Minister Kevin J. Murray. From 2006 till 2010, Brother Thomas served various churches in the city of Los Angeles where he would continue in his development as a competent minister in the Church of Christ.

In 2010, Brother Thomas married the beautiful Britney Scott of Compton, California. Brother Thomas and Sister Britney have been married for 10 years. They have three wonderful children in Omri (Bear), Orlander (OJ), and Brightlee Rose Thomas. In 2011, Orlander and his family accepted a new position in ministry allowing them to move from the West Coast to Sunny South Florida where he would serve as Assistant to the Minister of the Liberty City Church of Christ in Miami, Florida, under the leadership Dr. Freeman T. Wyche Sr. In 2015, Orlander and Britney felt God signifying a time for a change in ministry, which allowed them to consider returning home to Durham, North Carolina, for the purpose of raising their children t around more of their family and to pursue higher education with Brother Thomas having aspirations to attend Duke University. It was during this time that God presented a door of opportunity. God aligned things to where Brother Stephens begin to discuss with Brother Thomas the possibilities of returning in a capacity to serve the Southside Church of Christ.  As God would have it, the Lord truly caused all things to prosper with the recommendation of Brother Stephens and the agreement of the rest of Southside’s leadership, God enable the Thomas’ to move back home in November of 2015. In December of 2015, Brother Stephens announced officially that Brother Thomas would serve as Assistant Minister with the hopes of possibly succeeding Brother Stephens in the future as the new minister of the Southside Church of Christ, this all looking to God’s will and timing. In the winter of 2016, Brother Thomas was accepted to attend Duke University’s Divinity School in the Fall.  Over the last 4 years, we have seen Brother Thomas’ continued growth and development, as God has truly gifted him to be one of his great servants in the ministry of preaching and service. Brother Thomas graduated from Duke University’s Divinity School with a Master of Divinity in May of 2020.

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